In conclusion, genes undoubtedly serve a great purpose in determining one’s intelligence, but without a proper environment, their influence is diminished. One cannot excel and reach his full potential without favorable environmental factors such as a proper education and home. When optimized, these and other environmental influences can carry a person’s intellect far beyond the boundaries of one’s genes. The boy skims the page another moment then glances to his side to the girl already onto the final set of questions. Replaying in his mind the scene of her eagerly listening to class lectures and laboring over her study note cards, he compared her scenario to his own. An image of his lazy, motivation-less brothers and their unknowing affect on his attitude towards school appeared in his mind. Again peering at the girl he silently promised to rely less on nature, and more on nurture. This proposition exhibits his new understanding of the great impact of surroundings, one that the world soon needs to come to realize as well.

Watch from 14:00-17:30